S. Korea Dismisses Japan's Protest over Maritime Survey near Dokdo | Be Korea-savvy

S. Korea Dismisses Japan’s Protest over Maritime Survey near Dokdo

This aerial file photo, taken Sept. 2, 2021, shows South Korea's easternmost islets of Dokdo. (Image courtesy of Yonhap)

This aerial file photo, taken Sept. 2, 2021, shows South Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo. (Image courtesy of Yonhap)

SEOUL, Jun. 12 (Korea Bizwire)The foreign ministry on Wednesday dismissed Japan’s renewed protest over Seoul’s routine maritime survey near the East Sea islets of Dokdo, emphasizing a firm stance against “unjust claims.”

On Tuesday, Japan’s foreign ministry lodged a complaint through diplomatic channels, demanding an immediate halt to the maritime survey conducted by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency around the rocky islets. A similar complaint was lodged last Thursday.

In response, Seoul’s foreign ministry said the maritime survey is a legitimate activity, emphasizing that Dokdo is indisputably South Korean territory historically, geographically and under international law.

“Japan’s unjust claim over Dokdo, which is our inherent territory, will be met with a resolute response,” a ministry official said on the condition of anonymity, adding the South Korean government cannot accept any claims by Japan concerning territorial sovereignty.

Dokdo has long been a recurring source of tension between the two neighbors, as Tokyo continues to assert its sovereignty claims in policy papers, public statements and school textbooks. Tokyo also lodges a complaint every time Seoul conducts regular maritime surveys.

The agency dispatches a research vessel regularly to monitor ocean currents and measure sea temperatures using sonar technology as part of its ongoing maritime surveys.

In April, Japan also filed a complaint through the diplomatic channels after a group of lawmakers, including Cho Kuk, the leader of the Rebuilding Korea Party, visited the islets.

South Korea maintains a small police detachment on the islets, effectively controlling them.


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