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May 5: Celebrating Korea’s Children’s Day

May 5: Celebrating Korea’s Children’s Day

SEOUL, May 5 (Korea Bizwire) – Children’s Day was first conceived of in 1923 by a group of Korean students and social leaders. Chong-hwan Pang, a children’s writer, helped popularize the holiday. It was designated as a national holiday in 1970. The government made May 6 a temporary holiday this year in an effort to [...]

Only 10% of Married Couples Believe Firstborn Male Child Must Take Care of Parents

Only 10% of Married Couples Believe Firstborn Male Child Must Take Care of Parents

SEOUL, May 9 (Korea Bizwire) – A survey said the conventional idea of the eldest son living with his old parents is almost disappearing. According to a recent survey by the Planned Population Federation of Korea on 1,466 married men and women, 44.6 percent of respondents said “It is better for parents to live apart from their [...]

The pros and cons of Urban lifestyle

The pros and cons of Urban lifestyle

Urban vs. Rural Living from Buzzle People inhabit different parts of the world and lead different types of lives. Their lifestyles change across the various regions on Earth and so do their mentalities. The resources available in their regions, the plant and animal life that is native to their area have a direct impact of [...]