'Falling Flower' Fireworks Light Up Festival in South Korea | Be Korea-savvy

‘Falling Flower’ Fireworks Light Up Festival in South Korea


MUJU, Jun. 8 (Korea Bizwire) – The county of Muju in North Jeolla Province is hosting a traditional “Nakhwa Nori” (falling flower play) festival on June 8 and 9 in the village of Dumun-ri, Anseong-myeon.

Organized by the Dumun-ri Nakhwa Nori Preservation Society, the festival aims to promote and sustain this form of ancient Korean fireworks, designated as an intangible cultural heritage by North Jeolla Province.

Nakhwa Nori, which translates to “falling flower play,” refers to the nighttime spectacle of fiery sparks raining down like blossoms over water. The tradition involves igniting bamboo poles wrapped in mulberry paper, charcoal and salt bundles, causing the flames to scatter like floating petals.


The residents of Dumun-ri have kept this custom alive through generations, employing traditional methods. In 2016, Nakhwa Nori was officially recognized as an intangible cultural asset by North Jeolla Province.

The Dumun-ri Nakhwa Nori Preservation Society has demonstrated the falling flower fireworks display over 50 times at national events and festivals, including the Taekwondo Expo.

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Image credit: Muju county, Yonhap / photonews@koreabizwire.com

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