Job Hunting and Exam Prep Lead Many South Koreans to Skip Summer Vacations, Survey Finds | Be Korea-savvy

Job Hunting and Exam Prep Lead Many South Koreans to Skip Summer Vacations, Survey Finds

A significant portion of South Koreans are opting out of summer vacations, with job hunting and exam preparation cited as the primary reasons. (Image courtesy of Yonhap)

A significant portion of South Koreans are opting out of summer vacations, with job hunting and exam preparation cited as the primary reasons. (Image courtesy of Yonhap)

SEOUL, Jun. 28 (Korea Bizwire) – A recent survey has revealed that a significant portion of South Koreans are opting out of summer vacations, with job hunting and exam preparation cited as the primary reasons. 

The study, conducted by EduWill, a comprehensive education company, surveyed 197 adults aged 20 to 40 over a seven-day period ending on June 18. The results, released on June 27, paint a picture of a workforce prioritizing career advancement over leisure.

Nearly half of the respondents (46.7%) reported having no vacation plans for the summer. Of those forgoing vacations, an overwhelming 60.9% attributed their decision to job searching or studying for exams.

The survey also shed light on changing attitudes towards vacations. About 17.4% of respondents considered staying at home as their ideal vacation, while 12% cited financial constraints as a reason for not planning a getaway. Additionally, 9.8% of participants indicated they were planning trips for other seasons. 

Among those who did have vacation plans, there was a clear preference for “staycations” or hotel vacations, with 30.1% opting for this choice. Beach trips came in second at 26.2%, followed closely by overseas travel at 24.3%.

An EduWill representative noted, “For those preparing for second-half exams, such as the real estate broker’s license or university transfer exams, July and August are crucial study periods, often leading to postponed vacations.”

M. H. Lee (  

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