Bicycler Death Toll Rises While Car Accidents Down in Korea | Be Korea-savvy

Bicycler Death Toll Rises While Car Accidents Down in Korea

As more and more people are turning to bicycles in their commuting or leisure purpose, The fatality rate related to bicycles are on the rise. (image: Bev Goodwin/flickr)

As more and more people are turning to bicycles in their commuting or leisure purpose, The fatality rate related to bicycles are on the rise. (image: Bev Goodwin/flickr)

SEOUL, July 12 (Korea Bizwire) – The death toll from bicycle accidents has risen over the previous year in Korea; on average two bicyclers (excluding two-wheel motor bikers) have died in a three-day period during the first half of this year. 

According to the National Police Agency of Korea on July 10, while overall road accidents in the first half of the year stood at 106,265, a 2.5 percent increase over the previous year (103,714), the number of deaths and injuries by traffic accidents has declined from last year. 

Notable has been the number of deaths by bicycle accidents which has risen 8.7 percent this year to record 125 cases. Last year, the bicycler deaths during the first half was 115.

Meanwhile, the car crash has decreased by 8.7 percent, from 2,369 cases of last year to 2,164 of this year, and the number of injuries was also cut down in this year, by 0.9 percent, from 158,954 of last year to 157,497.

The death toll of accidents from speeding (-68.2%), from close-distance driving (-42.9%), and from violation of centerline (-20.7%) all have declined this year compared to that of last year, while the death toll from illegal crossing of intersection has surged exceptionally by 64.3 percent, from 28 to 46. 

The death toll of accidents by a single car hitting a wall or guardrail (-20%), and the deaths by accidents between a car and a pedestrian (-10.1%) decreased from last year, but the death toll from collision between two cars increased 1.2 percent. 

As for the time of accidents, the casualties from a traffic accident within the hours of 4 am to 6 am were boosted by 16.1 percent and the casualties within 12 pm to 2 pm swelled as well by 6.3 percent. 

An official in the police agency said, “The number of bicycle accidents are swelling and bicycler must wear protective gear while riding. The number of accidents while crossing an intersection also surged; drivers must look both ways before crossing an intersection without a traffic light and drive safely”

Written by J. H. Kim ( 

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2 thoughts on “Bicycler Death Toll Rises While Car Accidents Down in Korea

  1. Pingback: Bicycler Death Toll Rises While Car Accidents D...

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