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S. Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Satellite in Orbit

S. Korea’s Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Satellite in Orbit

SEOUL, March 8 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korea’s geostationary environmental monitoring satellite has successfully reached its designated orbit around the Earth, the science ministry said Sunday. The Chollian-2B that blasted off atop the Ariane-5 rocket from French Guiana on Feb. 18 (local time) is now in fixed orbit some 35,786 kilometers above the equator, according [...]

Researchers Develops Eco-friendly Plastic Production Technology

Researchers Develops Eco-friendly Plastic Production Technology

DAEJEON, Feb. 19 (Korea Bizwire) — The Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology announced Tuesday that it has developed a new technology to produce eco-friendly polyethylene furanoate (PEF) plastic. PEF has been spotlighted as a new bio-alternative to replace PET plastic, and is made of glucose, a sugar substance originating from plants. The PET alternative [...]

Korean-made Geostationary Environment-monitoring Satellite Successfully Launched

Korean-made Geostationary Environment-monitoring Satellite Successfully Launched

SEOUL, Feb. 19 (Korea Bizwire) – The world’s first geostationary environment-monitoring satellite, built by South Korea, has been successfully launched, the country’s state-run aerospace research institute said Wednesday. The Ariane-5 rocket carrying the 3.4-ton Chollian-2B, tasked with monitoring the movement of fine dust and other air pollutants, as well as tides, in the East Asian region is [...]

Chollian-2B Satellite Eyes Greater Role for Global Air Pollution Monitoring System

Chollian-2B Satellite Eyes Greater Role for Global Air Pollution Monitoring System

SEOUL, Jan. 24 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korea’s soon-to-be-launched geostationary satellite, the Chollian-2B, will set the stage for a worldwide air pollution monitoring system that can help countries better deal with environmental challenges, a state-run research institute said Friday. The first ever geostationary environmental monitoring satellite was unveiled last month and is set to be [...]

Genetic Screening Boosts Productivity at Cattle Farms

Genetic Screening Boosts Productivity at Cattle Farms

SEJONG, Jan. 22 (Korea Bizwire) — A service that informs Korean cattle farmers by predicting the genetic ability of female calves will be implemented to help genetically superior hanwoo give birth to multiple calves. Hanwoo refers to beef cattle produced in South Korea. The Rural Development Administration and NongHyup Agribusiness Group Inc. have established a [...]