LG Electronics Taps Deeper into Robot Biz | Be Korea-savvy

LG Electronics Taps Deeper into Robot Biz

(image:  LG Electronics)

(image: LG Electronics)

SEOUL, Jul. 21 (Korea Bizwire)LG Electronics Inc. said Friday it introduced commercial robots to Incheon International Airport, announcing the move will work as a stepping stone for the company to tap deeper into the industry.

The South Korean tech giant said it deployed five cleaning and information robots, respectively, to South Korea’s main gateway. The move came in line with the airport’s drive to adopt a “smarter” environment.

LG Electronics said the deployment will also be an opportunity to advertise its robot businesses to the 57 million people who use the airport every year.

The company first clinched the deal with the airport in July 2016, and has been conducting various tests to produce optimized robots that can handle obstacles and other unexpected situations.

The information robots come with a unique voice recognition system developed by LG Electronics that is capable of understanding Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese.

The robot connects to the main server of the airport, providing it with information like the locations of boarding gates. It is also capable of escorting visitors to their destinations.

The cleaning robot can also find the most efficient routes to sweep floors based on a database of the airport’s floor plan.

Earlier this year, LG Electronics vowed to expand its robot business as one of its new growth engines. The company is currently conducting research in two areas, namely for household and commercial purposes.

LG Electronics introduced robot vacuums for the first time in South Korea in 2003, and since then has focused efforts to develop various technologies for robots, including the artificial-intelligence platform DeepThinQ.


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