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Chinese Boats’ Overfishing Dents Squid Haul in East Sea

Chinese Boats’ Overfishing Dents Squid Haul in East Sea

SEOUL, Oct. 19 (Korea Bizwire) – South Korea’s squid catch from the East Sea has been on a steady decline over the past four years due mainly to Chinese boats’ overfishing, data showed Tuesday.  According to the data by the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, the amount of squid sold at its 18 cooperatives along [...]

‘Dokdo Calender’ Distributed Abroad

‘Dokdo Calender’ Distributed Abroad

DAEGU, Nov. 5 (Korea Bizwire) – A local government has distributed 2,500 copies of the “2016 Dokdo Calendar” abroad in a bid to publicize South Korea’s sovereignty over the rocky outcroppings in the East Sea, officials said Thursday. North Gyeongsang Province, also called Gyeongsangbuk-do, launched the campaign in 2013 to help counter Japan’s claim to [...]

Enjoying Hot Springs in Pine Forests

Enjoying Hot Springs in Pine Forests

ULJIN, Sept. 2 (Korea Bizwire) — The ’2015 Korean Hot Spring Festival’ will be held at Uljin from October 2 to October 4. The festival will be held under the slogan ‘Walking through the Geumgang pine trees, looking at the East Sea and enjoying the hot springs’. Guerrilla events, family hiking contests and a seminar on [...]

Seabed of East Sea Turning Grey

Seabed of East Sea Turning Grey

SEOUL, July 16 (Korea Bizwire) – Large areas of seabed in the East Sea are turning grey with calcium compounds. According to the Korea Fisheries Resources Agency (FIRA), 62 percent of the East Sea shore is suffering from the sea desertification. With sea desertification, marine algae such as sea mustard, kelp and so on disappear, [...]