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South Korean District Offers Financial Incentives for Marriage in Bold Population Push

South Korean District Offers Financial Incentives for Marriage in Bold Population Push

BUSAN, Jun. 24 (Korea Bizwire) – As local governments across South Korea grapple with a looming demographic crisis, one district in the city of Busan is taking an unprecedented approach: offering substantial financial incentives for couples who meet through government-sponsored matchmaking events and decide to marry.  Saha District in Busan announced on June 22 that it [...]

Stark Gender Imbalance Among Unmarried South Koreans Linked to Preference for Sons

Stark Gender Imbalance Among Unmarried South Koreans Linked to Preference for Sons

SEOUL, Jun. 18 (Korea Bizwire) – South Korea faces a severe gender disparity, with around 20% more unmarried men than women, a skewed ratio attributed largely to the country’s former tradition of favoring sons, according to a new report. In a research paper titled “Gender Imbalance in Birth Rates and Marriage Rates in South Korea” released [...]

Marriage Fuels Rise in Low-Wage Jobs for South Korean Women

Marriage Fuels Rise in Low-Wage Jobs for South Korean Women

SEJONG, Jun. 4 (Korea Bizwire) – The proportion of employed South Korean women holding low-skilled manual labor positions more than triples after marriage, highlighting how career interruptions for childbirth and child-rearing contribute to a deterioration in job quality, experts say.  According to microdata from Statistics Korea’s Economically Active Population Survey, there were 2,079,000 women in elementary [...]

High-End Seoul Apartment Complex Hosts Marriage Matchmaking for Single Residents

High-End Seoul Apartment Complex Hosts Marriage Matchmaking for Single Residents

SEOUL, May 16 (Korea Bizwire) – A luxury apartment complex in Seoul’s affluent Banpo-dong neighborhood has garnered attention for an unconventional service: facilitating marriages among its single residents. According to real estate industry sources, an online community called Raemian One Bailey Marriage Information Group is actively operating within the Raemian One Bailey apartment complex. The group, [...]

Surge in Marriages Between South Korean Women and Vietnamese Men

Surge in Marriages Between South Korean Women and Vietnamese Men

SEJONG, Mar. 21 (Korea Bizwire) – A striking trend has emerged in South Korea, with a sharp rise in the number of Korean women marrying Vietnamese men, prompting scrutiny into the underlying factors driving this phenomenon.  Many of these Korean women were previously married to Korean men who had obtained South Korean citizenship after immigrating from [...]

No Rush to Move Out Among Young Adults Living with Parents

No Rush to Move Out Among Young Adults Living with Parents

SEOUL, Mar. 15 (Korea Bizwire) – A recent study has revealed that 7 out of 10 young adults aged 25 to 39, residing with their parents in apartments, have no immediate plans to live independently until marriage.  The study, titled ‘Trend Report: The Kangaroo Tribe,’ was released on March 14 by Focus Media Korea, the operator [...]

Wedding Industry Thrives Despite Declining Marriage Rates

Wedding Industry Thrives Despite Declining Marriage Rates

SEOUL, Mar. 11 (Korea Bizwire) – In recent years, as marriage rates have fallen, the number of wedding venues across the nation has seen a consistent decline. However, a recent study reveals a significant surge in revenue for these venues, a trend uncovered through a comprehensive analysis of the national wedding market utilizing big data.  According [...]

South Korea’s Marriage Rates Plummet 40% in a Decade, Threatening Future Birthrates

South Korea’s Marriage Rates Plummet 40% in a Decade, Threatening Future Birthrates

SEOUL, Mar. 3 (Korea Bizwire) –In the last ten years, South Korea has seen a significant 40% decrease in the number of marriages, casting uncertainty on the premise of childbirth in a country where marriage traditionally precedes starting a family. Statistics Korea’s December 2023 population trends report and data from the Korean Statistical Information Service [...]