organ donation Archives | Be Korea-savvy
Thai Tourist’s Final Act of Kindness: Organ Donation Saves Five Lives in South Korea

Thai Tourist’s Final Act of Kindness: Organ Donation Saves Five Lives in South Korea

SEOUL, Jul. 11 (Korea Bizwire) – A 35-year-old Thai woman became a beacon of hope for five South Koreans, donating her vital organs after being declared brain dead during a vacation in Korea. The Korea Organ Donation Agency announced on July 10 that Purima Rungthongkumkul, while on holiday with a friend, suddenly lost consciousness on June [...]

Urgent Call for Cultural Shift: Korea’s Organ Donation Rates Lag as Demand Soars

Urgent Call for Cultural Shift: Korea’s Organ Donation Rates Lag as Demand Soars

SEOUL, Nov. 27 (Korea Bizwire) – The number of individuals awaiting domestic organ transplants, including solid organs, hematopoietic stem cells, and eyes, has consistently risen and surpassed the 50,000 milestone. However, organ donations from individuals with non-recoverable brain function have remained at around 400 per year over the past five years.  Despite the noble impact of [...]

2 in 3 S. Koreans Willing to Donate Organs and Tissue

2 in 3 S. Koreans Willing to Donate Organs and Tissue

SEOUL, Dec. 27 (Korea Bizwire) — The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a nationwide online survey with the participation of 1,000 people over 19 years of age, inquiring about their willingness to donate organs and tissue. The results indicated that 7 out of 10 participants were willing to be donors. While most [...]

Korea Struggles to Find Tissue Donors

Korea Struggles to Find Tissue Donors

SEOUL, Nov. 30 (Korea Bizwire) – A debate on Tuesday hosted by the Korea Organization for Sharing Tissue discussed ways to establish a more active donation culture for tissue and organs in Korea, both of which have disappointing donation rates here compared to other developed nations.  According to KOST, the registration rate for organ donation [...]

Korean Religious Organizations Campaign for Organ Donation Culture

Korean Religious Organizations Campaign for Organ Donation Culture

SEOUL, Feb. 20 (Korea Bizwire) — A multitude of Korean religious bodies have started various campaigns to spread the culture of organ donation among Koreans. There was a dramatic increase, in 2009, of individuals submitting their wish to donate their organs to Catholic NGO One-Body One-Spirit Movement’s organ donation program, according to One-Body One-Spirit’s report [...]