Explosive new videos on alleged FIFA corruption from Andrew Jennings | Be Korea-savvy

Explosive new videos on alleged FIFA corruption from Andrew Jennings

The renowned author speaks candidly about his investigations into the alleged endemic corruption of the FIFA leadership and the high price paid by the people of Brazil to host the world's biggest sporting event. (image courtesy of Kobizmedia/ Korea Bizwire)

The renowned author speaks candidly about his investigations into the alleged endemic corruption of the FIFA leadership and the high price paid by the people of Brazil to host the world’s biggest sporting event. (image courtesy of Kobizmedia/ Korea Bizwire)

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RIO DE JANEIRO, June 6 (Korea Bizwire) – Explosive new videos on alleged FIFA corruption from Andrew Jennings British investigative journalist Andrew Jennings has released exclusive stories on the eve of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

The renowned author speaks candidly about his investigations into the alleged endemic corruption of the FIFA leadership and the high price paid by the people of Brazil to host the world’s biggest sporting event.

As the fallout from the Qatar 2022 bribery scandal continues, Jennings’ controversial reflections are an illuminating insight into the shadowy world of Football.

The interviews are now available from YouTube as six individual embedded clips (see below)

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDPjZKytz4E
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q7rBA5ko40
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu-WKqBl07I
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvJQMsrX1PA
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgjV1wXR94Q
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWoWzdEB7qk

Please note: Television broadcast quality clips are available for television networks upon request. Please contact Todd.Deacon@unscriptd.com Unscriptd.com is one of the world’s fastest growing sports media sites. With traffic in already 184 countries, Unscriptd provides a new perspective for sports fans craving the ‘stories behind the stories’ on global sport.

All media enquiries regarding content please contact Andrew Jennings directly on cell: +44 758 424 6561 or landline +44 1768 840 025


Part 1 -

The football stadia in Brazil are state of the art but the hospitals and schools are crumbling and understaffed. In the original series by unscriptd.com, Andrew Jennings describes how taxpayers’ money is injected into high-tech FIFA sports grounds while medical and educational facilities decay.

“The best constructed football stadium you ever saw in your life.it cost three times more than it should’ve done because of the money going out to corrupt politicians, to corrupt contractors, corrupt football officials” says Jennings. “The money has not gone to schools and hospitals.”

In this piece Jennings sets the scene for the next five videos on alleged corruption in FIFA.

Part 2 -

Jennings traces FIFA’s past right back to its origins.

Jennings puts it bluntly, “FIFA is an organised crime syndicate.”

Part 3 -

In 2010, Jennings’ hunt to expose alleged FIFA corruption aligned with that of the FBI. He laments the fact that FIFA has become such that it’s unable to police itself.

“It’s a shocking thing isn’t it, that football’s unable to reform itself. We actually need the FBI and the brave street fighters of Brazil between them to bring some change to FIFA. It’s sad football can’t do it”

“The USA should have won the rights to stage the 2022 World Cup.it was stolen from them”

Part 4 -

Jennings discusses the underbelly of FIFA World Cup ticket distribution. “That’s the real world of ticketing in the World Cup. If you’ve got money you can go to a very, very big black market, which is not policed. FIFA doesn’t want to police it’

“40% coming out of the back door of FIFA straight into this private world that ordinary fans aren’t allowed to know about”

Part 5 -

An investigation chamber was created to scrutinize FIFA’s internal affairs and alleged crimes. Jennings takes us behind the scenes.

“The people running it work for Sepp Blatter. He controls their wages, their pensions, their holiday pay, their promotions, the fact they could be sacked is controlled by the man who should be most investigated”

“This is Pyongyang. This is the Jo Stalin trials of the 1930s”

“You the public are not allowed to see the evidence”

“You’re not allowed to know. It’s none of your business”

Part 6 -

In the sixth and final video, Jennings explores how the development of Olympics allegedly further burdens the Brazilian taxpayers.

“The taxpayers’ money has gone into these fantastically unnecessary stadia”

“At the end of the World Cup FIFA will depart Brazil with their big sacks of swag, their billions of dollars”

“Still there won’t be a hospital for that father with his sick child”

SOURCE: Unscriptd.com (via PR Newswire)

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