Ooyala issued its Q2 2014 Global Video Index Report, providing insights on the continued evolution of multi-screen video consumption. (image: Ooyala)
Mobile and Tablet Viewership Rises to 27 Percent of All Online Video, Report Investigates How Consumer Viewing Habits Change With the Weather
SANTA CLARA, CA, Sep 15 (Korea Bizwire) - Ooyala, the leading innovator in premium video publishing, analytics and monetization, today issued its Q2 2014 Global Video Index Report, providing insights on the continued evolution of multi-screen video consumption. The report highlights the rapid growth of mobile video consumption and the proliferation of premium, live and long-form video on more screens. Its findings underscore the need for content providers to take advantage of new forms of big data analytics and audience measurement to better understand online audience behavior, help guide content strategies and maximize revenue.
As faster wireless networks are built around the globe to provide higher bandwidth for smart devices, mobile viewership continues to rise. Ooyala data reveals that in the past year, mobile video viewing has more than doubled to represent over 25 percent of all online viewing, increasing 127 percent year-over-year and 400 percent in the past two years.
Between February and June 2014, the share of all online video plays viewed on mobile devices increased six percent, rising from 21 percent to 27 percent. As the amount of video available for mobile devices increases, Cisco forecasts that by 2018 mobile video traffic could make up 69 percent of the world’s Internet traffic, reinforcing the opportunity for content providers, broadcasters and publishers to build business-sustaining revenue streams with digital video — particularly on mobile devices.
A special section of this quarter’s Global Video Index takes a more light-hearted look at the potential impact of weather on multiscreen viewing habits. Using Boston as a representative city, the report compares how consumption differed during two separate weeks with distinctly different weather patterns — one cold, rainy week and one warm, sunny week, across the same set of video providers.
As one might expect, video engagement surged on rainy days, as viewers likely stayed indoors and shifted to larger screens. People spent 40 percent more time watching videos on desktops when the rain came, compared to the sunny days. Engagement on tablets also increased by roughly 5 percent. Interestingly, the warm week saw nearly six times more views — as measured in the raw number of plays — than the cold week, suggesting viewers used mobile devices to watch “snack-sized” content while they enjoyed the better weather outside and away from their larger screen devices.
Additional Highlights From Q2 2014 Global Video Index:
- Viewers look to big screens for big chunks of entertainment. Consumers on connected TVs spent 81% of their time watching videos longer than 10 minutes.
- Mobile devices remain the favorite “snacking tool.” Viewers spent 45% of their time watching videos of six minutes or less in length.
- On tablets, viewers spent 23% of their time watching video of 30-60 minutes in length, more than on any other device.
- On connected TVs, viewers spent 65% of their time watching videos 30 minutes or longer; and over half of that time (54%) was with content longer than 60 minutes.
“As we reach the tipping point of web-delivered TV, Ooyala is seeing the transition firsthand,” said Jay Fulcher, chief executive officer of Ooyala. “This data is indicative of the dramatic multiscreen shift occurring in the industry. Greater consumption of high-value content across multiple device types, along with more granular data on consumption habits and trends, underscores the need for sophisticated analytics to inform programming and monetization strategies. Ooyala is acutely focused on not only providing the best viewing experience but also capturing the data and insights that make these experiences more profitable.”
About Ooyala’s Global Index Report
Ooyala’s Global Video Index report measures the anonymized viewing habits of nearly 150 million viewers in nearly every country in the world. Ooyala processes billions of video analytics events each day that provide granular insights into how people engage with online video across all web-connected devices. The company’s industry-leading analytics technology and real-time big data architecture help media companies, broadcasters, service providers and brands earn more money with mobile, multi-screen video.
About Ooyala
Ooyala delivers personalized video experiences across all screens and is a leader in online video management, publishing, analytics and monetization. Ooyala’s integrated suite of technologies and services gives content owners the power to expand audiences through deep insights that drive increased viewer engagement and revenue from video.
Companies using Ooyala technology include Univision, Foxtel, Comedy Central, NBC Universal, Telstra, ESPN, Telegraph Media Group, Telefonica, The North Face, Rolling Stone, Dell and Sephora. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Ooyala has offices in New York City, London, Sydney, Tokyo and Guadalajara, Mexico. The company works with premier reseller and technology partners throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit www.ooyala.com.
Contact Information
Paul Bernardini
Source: Ooyala via Marketwired