Luiss Guido Carli University (Rome), Renmin University of China (Beijing) and George Washington University (Washington, DC) are launching “ACE”, which stands for “America, China & Europe”, a brand new triple degree in Business Administration which – by bringing together three different countries, with their managerial and institutional cultures – represents an absolute new entry.
ROME, Feb. 21 (Korea Bizwire) – Luiss Guido Carli University (Rome), Renmin University of China (Beijing) and George Washington University (Washington, DC) are launching “ACE”, which stands for “America, China & Europe”, a brand new triple degree in Business Administration which – by bringing together three different countries, with their managerial and institutional cultures – represents an absolute new entry.
The highly innovative and geographically itinerant four-year ACE degree programme will give students the opportunity to obtain three degrees, one for each University, valid and recognised in the United States, China and Europe, and to aspire to positions of responsibility in multinational and global institutions. This international learning experience will allow students to immerse themselves in the economic, social and managerial culture of the three continents.
Enrolled students will spend the first year at their respective Universities learning the fundamentals of economics and management.
They will then jointly attend the second, third and fourth years in the three capitals, starting from Luiss University in Rome, moving on to Renmin University in Beijing, and concluding their studies in the United States, at George Washington University. The enrolment fees for ACE are in line with the university fees of the student’s home university for the entire duration of the course.
“The ACE degree programme, the result of a partnership between Luiss, Renmin and George Washington University, places Italy at the centre of the international higher education scene and aims to respond to the need to train ‘future-ready’ global managers capable of working and interacting in increasingly multicultural contexts,” said Luiss University Rector Andrea Prencipe. “Drawing an ideal read thread between the capitals of Rome, Beijing and Washington, in line with our Strategic Plan and an innovative educational model, means for us training professionals with a cosmopolitan character and encouraging the international mobility of talents,” he added.
“Renmin University of China, one of China’s top universities, is the first institution to introduce business education programmes in the People’s Republic of China. Our university also benefits from close industrial ties and a large alumni network,” said Liu Wei, President of Renmin University of China.
“In 2019,” he continued, “Renmin University of China and Luiss Guido Carli University jointly launched the Social Sciences Universities Network (SSUN), the first university network in the humanities and social sciences worldwide that contributes to the growth of future global leaders. This new “ACE” Global BA is a significant milestone for SSUN in exploring innovative models of talent development. What makes this triple degree programme unique is its ability to integrate the strengths of three world-class universities in the social sciences, giving graduates a strong competitive advantage in the labour market.”
For more information:
LaPresse SpA Communication and Press Office Director
Barbara Sanicola - barbara.sanicola@lapresse.it
+39 02 26305578 M +39 333 3905243
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/774bf4c9-c88f-4cf2-9cef-f9ae51366480
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Source: Luiss University via GLOBE NEWSWIRE