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Webtoons Evolve, Expand to Mobile Games and Dramas

Webtoons Evolve, Expand to Mobile Games and Dramas

SEOUL, Sept. 30 (Korea Bizwire) — Webtoons are evolving as they expand their market reach mobile games and dramas. Recently, mobile games and dramas using Naver Webtoon IP are gaining popularity. Thanks to the popularity and recent trends, it is estimated that the size of South Korea’s webtoon market will surpass US$1 billion by 2020. [...]

Experts Warn Against Game Developers’ ‘Infatuation’ with MMORPG

Experts Warn Against Game Developers’ ‘Infatuation’ with MMORPG

SEOUL, Sept. 9 (Korea Bizwire) — Experts are raising concerns as South Korean game developers continue to stick with massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG). Google Play’s top sales in the first week of September showed that seven out of top ten games were MMORPGs. IGAWorks, a South Korean marketing solutions company, reported that MMORPG [...]

Go-Stop, Poker Launch on Apple’s App Store After Introduction of Adult Certification Procedure

Go-Stop, Poker Launch on Apple’s App Store After Introduction of Adult Certification Procedure

SEOUL, Aug. 26 (Korea Bizwire) — With Apple Inc. introducing an adult certification procedure to its app store in South Korea, it seems that games for adults that had not been released until now are now being launched en masse. According to the gaming industry, so-called web board games such as go-stop and poker were [...]

Rising Digital Game Exporter, S. Korea at Odds with WHO’s Adoption of Gaming Disorder

Rising Digital Game Exporter, S. Korea at Odds with WHO’s Adoption of Gaming Disorder

SEOUL, Jun. 13 (Korea Bizwire) — The fourth-biggest market for digital games in the world and an aspiring leader in the emerging VR technology, South Korea is at odds with the World Health Organization’s recent decision to put excessive gaming in the official list of disorders. The World Health Assembly, the WHO’s decision-making body, unanimously [...]